• 2022-06-18
    What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?
  • 引水员上船前准备哪些?


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      ‎When a pilot is on board, the officer on watch should ______.‌ A: always believe in the pilot’s guidance B: work under the pilot’s command all the time C: seek no clarification from the pilot D: notify the master when having doubts about the pilot’s guidance

    • 1

      At Intel Corporation, what should be done before a meeting is opened() A: An email should be sent to meeting attendees. B: An agenda should be drafted and changed by attendees. C: Each attendee should be prepared for one meeting topic. D: The meeting should be evaluated for its necessity.

    • 2

      What should Teacher get prepared before a class begins? A: All the teaching materials B: The teaching content C: The machinery which is in a good condition D: two or three “five-minute filler” items

    • 3

      What should you do before the interview?

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      Which of the following is NOT the advantage when pilot is on board?