中国大学MOOC: With rheumatism, he could hardly his knees. His legs seemed to___ him.
- Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family ________ him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.
- 中国大学MOOC: He felt he had done a good deed, but his teacher didn’t praise him; __________he scolded him.
- 1.With rheumatism,he hardly___his knees.His legs seemed to ___him. A: A.stoop over,rebel against B: B.bend,rebel against C: C.turn,rebel D: D.twist,disobey
- The author says Johnson found it very difficult to walk because ______. A: he could not control his legs B: he has some psychological barrier C: people always stared at him D: it hurt his friends to watch him
- 中国大学MOOC: Her grandfather is on his last legs,which means he ________