• 2022-06-18
    A: mood
    B: desire
    C: age
    D: risk
  • D


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      Risk factors for preeclampsia do not include: A: History of preeclampsia B: Age of pregnant women ≥40 C: Diabetes mellitus D: Placenta praevia

    • 1

      Which of the following are the risk factors of ROP? A: Low birth weight B: Low gestational age C: High oxygen therapy D: Comorbidities

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      According to the passage, the risk of a child developing insulin-dependent diabetes is linked to all the following factors EXCEPT A: the maternal age at delivery. B: the age of the father. C: birth order. D: the amount of sugar he or she consumes.

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      19. The report says that not eating well in older age affects mood and can influence appetite, which __ turn, affects nutrient intake.

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      Unchangeable risk factors for chronic diseases are A: Adverse psychological factors B: High blood lipids C: Age D: Socio-economic conditions E: Cultural background