• 2022-06-18
    The students the game cheered their team.
    A: were watching
    B: who were watched
    C: watched
    D: watching
  • D


    • 0

      Whenever we invited them, theyTV. A: saw B: had watched C: were watching D: looked at

    • 1

      They ______ TV for two hours. A: had watched B: are watching C: watched D: have been watching

    • 2

      My father ____ TV all day yesterday. A: watched B: is watching C: has watched D: was watching

    • 3

      He___TV when I dropped in last night. A: was watching B: had watched C: watched D: have been watching

    • 4

      I ______the live telecast of the World Cup Final at nine this evening. A: shall have watched B: will be watched C: shall be watching D: will have been watching