• 2022-06-18
    智慧职教: DELETE FROM student WHERE s_id>5,对该代码含义表述正确的是()。
  • 删除student表中所有s_id大于5的记录


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      delete from student where s_id > 5 该代码执行的是() A: 添加记录 B: 修改记录 C: 删除记录 D: 查询记录

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      删除student表中id为1的记录() A: TRUNCATE FROM student where id=1; B: DELETE student where id=1; C: DELETE FROM student where id=1; D: DELETE INTO student where id=1;

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      下列关于删除表中记录的SQL语句,正确的是( )。 A: DELETE student,where id=11; B: DELETE FROM student where id=11; C: DELETE INTO student where id=11; D: DELETE student where id=11;

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      Delete from studentwhere s_id > 5该代码所表示的实际操作为 A: 删除student表中所有s_id B: 删除student表中所有s_id 大于5的记录 C: 删除student表中所有s_id 大于等于5的记录 D: 删除student表

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      下面选项中,查询student表中id值不在2和5之间的学生,其中正确的SQL语句是() A: SELECT * FROM student where id!=2,3,4,5; B: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 5 and 2; C: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 2 and 5; D: SELECT * FROM student where id not in 2,3,4,5;