local( )
A: a community of
people as a whole.
B: place or position.
C: of or relating to
a particular limited area such as a neighborhood or town.
D: one who inspects,
often in an official capacity.
A: a community of
people as a whole.
B: place or position.
C: of or relating to
a particular limited area such as a neighborhood or town.
D: one who inspects,
often in an official capacity.
- public ( ) A: one who inspects,<br/>often in an official capacity. B: of, for, or<br/>pertaining to all members of a community; not private. C: to assert<br/>ownership; demand as one's right. D: place or position.
- public( ) A: a thing consisting<br/>of a number of elements joined together in a certain way. B: as a matter of<br/>fact; really. C: one who inspects,<br/>often in an official capacity. D: a community of<br/>people as a whole.
- structure( ) A: of or relating to<br/>a particular limited area such as a neighborhood or town. B: a thing consisting<br/>of a number of elements joined together in a certain way. C: to assert<br/>ownership; demand as one's right. D: of, for, or<br/>pertaining to all members of a community; not private.
- deny( ) A: quantity; measure. B: place or position. C: to declare<br/>(something) false; refuse to agree with or admit; dispute;<br/>contradict. D: a community of<br/>people as a whole.
- relating to a particular region or area A: regional B: official C: logical D: transparent