• 2021-04-14
    76. Depths in the routes (Malacca and Singapore Straits) vary between 20m and about 23m but there are many areas of sand waves and depths are liable to change. The statement infers that _____.
  • B


    • 0

      The country is sliding into the depths of _________as its exports fall. (retailer)

    • 1

      Finally, Zeus cast Cronus and the other titans into the depths of the Underworld.

    • 2

      What is the purpose of analyzing the speed of sound through the Pacific-Ocean() A: To determine whether the Earth’s temperature is going up. B: To study the behavior of some sea animals. C: To measure the depths of the ocean. D: To measure the movement of waves on the ocean.

    • 3

      He lives in the __ of the country. A: depth B: depths C: length D: lengths

    • 4

      How do you understand the statement that we are liable to miss many opportunities if we study the humanities alone?