• 2022-06-18
    They believed that this was not the ________ of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning.
    A: A) climax
    B: B) summit
    C: C) pitch
    D: D) maximum
  • A


    • 0

      Where does the white feather appear in the movie?( ) A: The middle. B: Both the beginning and the ending. C: The ending. D: The beginning.

    • 1

      ​Where does the white feather appear in the movie?‍ A: The beginning. B: The ending. C: Both the beginning and the ending. D: The middle.

    • 2

      How did Jefferson interpret the concept of equality A: He asserted that it was a political concepts as well as a biological and economic concept. B: He believed that men were born with equal rights. C: Equality is a gift of Nature. D: Both B andC.

    • 3

      Their hard work was beginning to pay off, and they believed that the future would be ________ bright.

    • 4

      Their hard work was beginning to pay off, and they believed that the future would be (amazing) __________ bright.