• 2022-06-19
    A sample in which the characteristics of the sample are the same as those of the population is a(n): ( )
    A: attributes sample.
    B: variables sample.
    C: random sample.
    D: representative sample.
  • D


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      A researcher wants to estimate the difference in the means of two populations. A random sample of 36 items from the first population results in a sample mean of 430. A random sample of 49 items from t

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      Counter sample can also be called ( ) A: duplicate sample B: sealed sample C: return sample D: reference sample

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      Counter<br/>sample can also be called _____________.() A: duplicate<br/>sample B: sealed<br/>sample C: confirmed<br/>sample D: contracted<br/>sample

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      The sample made by the seller according to the buyer’s, and then sent to and confirmed by the buyer is called __________. A: duplicate sample B: returning sample C: original sample D: copy sample

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      In international trade, according to supplier of the sample, sales by sample can be divided into A: Sales by Seller’s Sample B: Sales by Buyer’s Sample C: Sales by Counter Sample D: Sale by Descriptions or Illustrations E: Sales by Reference Sample