• 2022-06-19
    Math static method random generates a random double value in the range from 0.0 ( )
    A: up to but not including 1.0
    B: up to and including 100.0
    C: up to but not including 100.0
    D: up to and including 1.0
  • A


    • 0

      If the code snippet always generates a random number in [0, 1.0 ), what's the possible function from library random used here?>>> import random >>> random.______() A: randint B: random C: uniform D: shuffle

    • 1

      The Value Orientation Method has been used widely in cross-cultural situations, including in higher education, health services, and conflict resolution.

    • 2

      The Peace Hotel hosted the famous from around the world including ( ).

    • 3

      The pages of a report are numbered consecutively from 1 to 10. If the sum of the page numbers up to and including page number z of the report is equal to one more than the sum of the page numbers following page number x, then x=(). A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 7 E: 8

    • 4

      The books, _____ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _____. A: included; were B: to include; are C: including; were D: including; are