• 2021-04-14
    Kendri co is a co based in the UK, which is now owed US$2.4m to Lakama co based in the US. The money is due in 3 months. The exchange rates available to Kendri co is as follows. Spot rate: 1.5938-1.5962US$/£ 3-month forward rate:1.5938-1.6037 US$/£ If the
  • 1.50m; not sure


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      ()属于由国际互联网管理中心最初设计的顶级域名。 A: cn B: US C: int D: co

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      The political system of the US is based on the following except ()

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      The labor-force participation rate tells us the fraction of the population that

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      What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Brown’s memo? It’s one US dollar to _____________ yuan.

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      At today’s exchange rate, every US dollar is equivalent _____ 8:30 yuan RMB. A: to B: as C: in D: for