• 2022-06-19
    Q6 - In general, past sea-level rise has resulted in:
    A: Inland migration of coastal habitats
    B: Seaward migration of coastal habitats
    C: Coastal habitats becoming shallower
    D: No changes in coastal habitats
  • A


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: Mangroves live in coastal waters that:

    • 1

      Most houses in the coastal city were_____DEMOLISHED___ by the earthquake last year.

    • 2

      According to the video, Most of Oman is( ). A: mountainous B: sandy C: rocky D: coastal

    • 3

      The land-sealed Mediterranean sea, with the shallow export channel, the small tides, the calm sea surface, is very deep, the salt content is particularly low, and the coastal currents are formed deep

    • 4

      The teacher __________ altogether ten students to conduct a research concerning the economic development in the coastal area in the past decade. A: accomplished B: assigned C: applied D: assorted