• 2022-06-19
    智慧职教: What is an evidence of the solidarity of all nationalities and the unity of the nation?
  • Potala Palace


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      智慧职教: 下面哪一项不是unity的特性?

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      Today, many different cultures and nationalities from all over the world meet in the UK.

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      What are the purpose of documents? A: To provide a good evidence of what actions have been taken in a trade transaction. B: To provide a good evidence of how the actions have been taken in a trade transaction. C: To be helpful in resolving the trade dispute in a trade transaction. D: All of the above.

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      What was the whole nation's reaction to the murder A: They felt indignant about violent crime. B: They attended the funeral. C: They felt surprised. D: They all crie

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      All the evidence _________has been destroyed.