当在Activity中使用时,可以直接使用this.getSharedPreferences(),并且this可以省略。反之,则需要传入一个Context对象获取上下文,即context. getSharedPreferences()。( )
- 使用Context提供的openFileOutput方法可以获取FileInputStream对象。
- According to Numan, context can be classified into . A: linguistic context and co-text. B: nonlinguistic context and extra-linguistic context. C: situational context and cultural context D: linguistic context and nonlinguistic context.
- 使用Context的()方法可以获取Android系统提供的服务。
- In a narrow sense, context refers to the...n as ______ context.
- Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and ______ context. A: words B: clauses C: grammatical D: sentences