Now most women who want to be____(thin) take some medicine to lose weight.
- What will happen to the man when he finishes his diet A: He will lose weight quickly. B: He will lose some weight after the diet. C: He will gain weight.
- When most people lose weight there are signals in the body making us want to ( ).
- After the Spring Festival, I___ some weight, so I decided to lose weight.() A: put away B: put up C: put in D: put on
- If you want to lose weight,you can____.
- Many people want to lose weight so badly that they ____.
- 0
The ice is too thin to______your weight. A: support B: load C: resist D: take
- 1
According to experts, people who are under the most ______incline to put on most weight.
- 2
Which of the following statement is not true? A: Meditation is useful to improve sleep quality. B: Meditation is advised to who want lose weight. C: Yoga is benefit for improve depth perception. D: no correct answer
- 3
What is NOT Kirk’s suggestion for people who are already unhealthy to lose weight?
- 4
--Mum, it is<br/>nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon. --Don't you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _______ your<br/>weight? A: stand B: hold C: carry D: take