• 2022-06-19
    58. 数字化学习方式使得人类从接受一次性教育走向终身学习成为可能。
    A: The digital way of learning makes people to receive one learning and all-life learning possible.
    B: The digital way of learning pushes the human beings from one-time learning towards lifelong learning become possible.
    C: The digital way of learning makes it possible for people to shift from one-time learning to lifelong learning.
    D: The digital way of learning makes it possible and people are finally trapped into learning for a life time from one-time education.
  • C


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      Palmer held that language learning in real life differs from language learning in the______.

    • 1

      5, in conclusion, the author suggested that A: American way of learning is much better than the Chinese way B: Chinese learning tradition impeded Chinese youth to be creative C: one should find a balance between the American and Chinese ways of learning D: only with Chinese learning method can Chinese make huge breakthroughs in scientific, technological and artistic fields

    • 2

      The most effective way of English learning is to cram enough vocabulary into one's mind.

    • 3

      According to the Audiolingual Method, language learning is not a problem of learning the knowledge, but one of ______.

    • 4

      All learners in one culture have the same learning style and use the same learning strategy.