• 2022-06-19
     DesCriBe A trAining progrAm you might Design to help employees Develop their interpersonAl skills, How woulD thAt progrAm Differ frmm one you DesigneD to improve employee ethiCAl BehAvior?
  • You mAy neeD to help leAD stuDents through this Answer As the text Does not ADDress trAining Design issues StuDents'responses shoulD ADDress the following fACts AnD CAtegories of interpersonAl skills:Almost All employees Belong to A work unit. To some Degree, their work performAnCe Depen Ds on their ABility to effeCtively interACt. These skills in CluDe how to Be A Better listener, how to CommuniCAte iDeAs more CleArly, AnD how to Be A more effe Ctive te Am plAyer. Their responses shoulD Also ConsiDer the fACt thAt inDiviDuAls proCess, intem Alize.AnD rememBer new AnD DiffiCult mAteriAl Differently. AnD therefore strAtegies shoulD Be inDiviDuAlizeD to the leAming style of the spe CifiC employee.


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      The company's training plan was designed to help the employees to improve their work habits and ______. A: proficiency B: sufficiency C: insufficiency D: efficiency

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      How would you describe the ads?

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      How can firms promote ethical behavior among their employees?

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      This program _________to help people to improve their computer skills.

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      How would you describe the two boys?