• 2021-04-14
    she is confident
  • to cope with


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      She had complete _______ in the doctors. A: confide B: confident C: confidently D: confidence

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      听材料,选出正确答案。 A: She is worried about the interview. B: She is confident about the interview. C: She can’t bear the all-week interview. D: She can’t get prepared for the interview.

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      Sara was quite confident that she could ________ the task on her own. A: accompany B: accelerate C: accommodate D: accomplish

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      中国大学MOOC: Someone was comforting me -- a ___________ young woman across the __________, the female __________________ of the confident businessman. She must have seen how __________ i was and reached __________.

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      Woman: John says that he is confident that he can win the game. Man: He’’ll succeed when pigs fly.Question: How does the man mean A: She had no chance to speak. B: She was speechless. C: She talked a lot to the star. D: She couldn’t hear him because of the noise.