b. The only function of fat in the body is to act as a source of potential energy.
A: True
B: False
A: True
B: False
- 2.If you don`t receive treatment for hyperglycemia ,in order to produce energy, your body turns to____ as an alternative source of energy. A: Fat and proteins B: Fat C: Proteins D: Lactose
- c. Eating a 100 Calorie (kilocalorie) snack will provide the body with 100 Calories (kilocalories) of energy. A: True B: False
- When the body can’t get enough glucose, what will the body turns to as an alternative source of energy A: fat B: protein C: oth A & B D: neitherof A & B
- Objects can possess energy as __________. (a) endothermic energy <br/>(b) potential energy <br/>(c) kinetic energy A: a only B: b only C: c only D: a and c E: b and c
- 单选题 ( 2.0 分 )<br/>Which of the following statements is true according to the<br/>passage? A: Nuclear power is a safe and reliable energy source. B: solar energy is always available as a source of energy. C: Water and steam energy has been successfully used in some<br/>countries. D: The real solution to energy crisis lies in natural sources of<br/>energy.