据说,招财和进宝是财神爷赵公明身边的童男童女,招财和进宝原本是天庭的( )。
A: the hen and the dog
B: the cat and the dog
C: the bird and the cat
D: the bird and the hen
A: the hen and the dog
B: the cat and the dog
C: the bird and the cat
D: the bird and the hen
- The frog found a ____, the cat found a ____, the bird found a ____ and the dog found a _____.
- 命令:>;>;>;pets=('dog','cat','bird','dog')>;>;>;pets.index('dog')执行结果为: A: 0 B: 1 C: 2 D: 3
- 在前面几题的基础上,有子类Dog和Cat继承了父类Animal,如下空格的输出是以下哪个选项?dog = Dog(coco,small); cat = Cat(kawaii)>>> isinstance(dog, Animal)___________>>> isinstance(cat, Animal)___________>>> isinstance(dog, Dog)___________>>> isinstance(dog, Cat)____________
- 进口博览会的吉祥物主体形象为大熊猫“()”。 A: 进博 B: 招财 C: 博博 D: 进宝
- 若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Animal a = new Cat(); Cat cat = (Cat) a; C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();