• 2022-06-19
    Thompson believed that man is instinctively a sun-worshipper because _____.
    A: the worship of the sun-god had clearly been the function of the temple.
    B: all living things celebrate the sunrise.
    C: the sunrise is the most magnificent of all phenomena.
    D: it is natural for man to worship the sun and he has always done so.
  • D


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      中国大学MOOC: 3. People who believe that man is ______nature worship the natural world as God and tend to accept their fate.

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      [听力原文]W: Why do you shop at Sun MarketM: Because it is less expensive. What can we learn from the two speakers() A: The woman has a lot of money. B: The woman often goes to Sun Market. C: The man often goes to Sun Market. D: Sun Market is very expensiv

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      The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.

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      Most living beings ________ the sun for their growth.

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      The morpheme “sun” in the word “sunrise” is a(n) ______. A: bound morpheme B: derivational morpheme C: inflectional morpheme D: free morpheme