• 2022-06-15
    Directions: Please choose the idiom matching its definition. have free time
    A: beat the clock
    B: run out of time
    C: take time out
    D: have spare time
  • D


    • 0

      Try to figure out what time the guests are coming so that I can have light refreshments ______ by the time they arrive. A: prepare B: are prepared C: have prepared D: prepared

    • 1

      The police ______ the evidence last time, but they did not. A: must have found out B: should have found out C: must find out D: could find out

    • 2

      When would Uncle Smith have time(). A: On Saturday. B: On Sunday. C: He would have no free time next week.

    • 3

      Technology gradually reduces the free time we have by cramming work into our leisure time

    • 4

      Speaker A: Excuse me. Do you happen to have the time Speaker B: ______. A: Take it easy B: I am running out of time C: Sorry, I"m late D: Sure, it"s nine thirty