• 2022-06-15
    Which of the following is a Metaphysical poet?
    A: Thomas Hardy
    B: John Donne
    C: Robert Browning
    D: Thomas More
  • B


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      Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure are two representative novels written by __________ . A: Alfred Tennyson B: Robert Browning C: Thomas Hardy D: George Eliot

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      1)Which of the following is not a Metaphysical poet A: Richard Crashaw B: Henry Vaughan C: Andrew Marvell D: Robert Burton

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      Which of the following is a Metaphysical poet?

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      Which of the following works is NOT written by Thomas Hardy? A: Jude the Obscure B: Tess of the D'Urbervilles C: Bleak House D: The Dynasts

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      The following belong to the characteristics of ’metaphysical poetry’ represented by ’John Donne’ except___.