• 2022-06-15
    The more they talked, they felt.
  • the more encouraged


    • 0

      They talked for a long time,______longer than he felt was necessary. A: quite B: pretty C: fairly D: much

    • 1

      Many a woman ______ entitled to more in life than just housework. A: feel B: was felt C: feels D: were felt

    • 2

      I felt meaningless, or, more ______ , I felt I meant nothing to no one. A: literally B: actually C: precisely D: emarkably

    • 3

      He now felt ______ without his friend, the dog. A: very more lonely B: more still lonely C: even more lonely D: more far lonely

    • 4

      What will be talked about in the text according to the title “College just isn’t special any more”?