• 2022-06-15
    A: Howoften
    B: Howmuch
    C: Howmany
    D: Howlong
  • D


    • 0

      5W2H的含义是() A: What、Why、When、Where、Who、How、HowMuch B: Whether、Why、When、Where、Who、How、HowLong C: Whether、Why、When、Where、Who、How、HowMuch D: What、Why、When、Where、Who、How、HowLong

    • 1

      我们通常用5W2H的方法去总结应该了解的顾客需求,其中“2H”是指下列哪些选项呢() A: HOW B: HOWLONG C: HOWTIME D: HOWMUCH

    • 2

      一个好的目标应包含以下哪些方面() A: 要做什么(what),谁来做(who) B: 在什么地方做(where) C: 做到什么程度(howmany,howmuch) D: 什么时候完成(when)

    • 3

      —Howlong ________ each other before they ________ married? —For about a year.

    • 4

      Passenger services are centered in the terminal building, which can be further _____into direct passenger services and airline-related passenger services. A: clarified B: summarized C: concluded D: classified