• 2022-06-15
    Why did Franklin’s book entitled Poor Richard’s Almanac become long-remembered in the West
    A: Because the book was a bestseller in the West.
    B: Because the author was so self-conscious in the book.
    C: Because the book was written in an easy and careful form as a whole.
    D: Because the author gave more memorable expressions to earlier sayings in the book.
  • D


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      Why did Marguerite say “I hadn’t really heard, heard to understand, a single word.” when Mrs Flowers read her a book? A: Because she was a bit absent-minded at that time. B: Because the book was very difficult to understand. C: Because she was totally absorbed by Mrs Flowers’ voice.

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      Teachers and parents are advised to review the book because ______. A: the book is about dangerous arts B: the book contains something controversial C: the book is about perennially divisive topics D: the book attracts acclaim and condemnation

    • 2

      I can’t ___ the book because it's too difficult. A: see B: read C: look

    • 3

      Why does Keith say he can talk with any foreigner in any country A: Because he has a phrase book which can talk. B: Because he has a tape recorder. C: Because he knows four different languages. D: Because his phrase book produces phrases in four languages.

    • 4

      You’d better change another book because ___page of the book is torn, and ______cover looks old. A: the; the B: a; a C: a; the D: the; a