• 2022-06-15
    We can ask for the useful information from travel agents.
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      We can ask for suggestions from the experts for our research in our proposal.

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      All of the following are travel agents’ suggestions to Eurostar except() A: marketing its service so it can be more competitive than airlines. B: increasing the frequency of daily journey. C: updating its image and doing more commercial deals. D: providing flexible tickets to travel agents.

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      We may select useful and reliable information from two channels. They are_____. A: physical libraries B: online resources C: books D: jounrals

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      I-Travel needs to __________ three new travel agents. Sam and Kate are busy, and they can't do all the work.

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      Cet-6-1.6-Exercise 01 With information no longer controlled by travel agents or hidden in business networks, the travel industry was revolutionized, as greater transparency helped ______ prices. A: persisting B: accustomed C: slash