• 2022-06-15
    Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____motivating for students.
    A: chiefly
    B: correctly
    C: currently
    D: eminently
  • D


    • 0

      The grade one of college is a new life journey for students, a key period _________ students finish the role transformation from middle school students to college students. A: at which B: which C: from which D: in which

    • 1

      Which sport are they talking about?

    • 2

      Which channel are they talking about?

    • 3

      I didn't actually see them ______ the safe, but I heard them ______ about that. A: open, talk B: to open, talk C: open, talking D: to open, talking

    • 4

      warn them about something, especially when this is annoying: ______