• 2022-06-15
    What's your favorite science fiction or science-fiction film? Why?
  • My favorite science-fiction film is The Wandering Earth(流浪地球). It is the first "made in China" science-fiction movie on the big screen. I think 'The Wandering Earth' is a thrilling start for Chinese sci-fi movies, from which Chinese science fiction will rise. As a Chinese, I feel so proud of that.


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      The Wandering<br/>Earth is a milestone film in Chinese __________ history. A: Tragedy B: Thriller C: Science fiction<br/>film D: Romance

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      To learn how to write science fiction, we can write about a Utopia, a “What If?” and a ________.

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      It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract ______. A: are interested in UFO spotting B: are only interested in science fiction C: are unable to write science fiction D: have a reasonable grounding in science

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      1. What can you infer from the video clip of some Hollywood science fiction blockbusters? A: Without the inspiration of the directors, we can not enjoy the special effect. B: Without the fantastic performance of super stars, science fiction movie can not be attractive. C: Science and technology play a vital role in science fiction movie. D: Special effect can not replace the plot in a successful movie.

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      2. The types of science fiction mentioned in the lecture are ____.