• 2022-06-19
    Passage 2The difference between being a "tourist" and a "traveler" is as vast as the gap between flying international first class and coach. It's all about the experience—and if you've traveled both ways, you know exactly what I'm talking about. While everyone on that flight reaches the destination at the same time, each person's takeaway will be shaped by how they passed the time inside that airplane cabin. In my career as a journalist and corporate communications professional, I've visited nearly 30 countries and spent nearly one year as a freelance writer in Florence, Italy. I've lived and worked in and visited plenty of the United States. And everywhere I've gone—from Miami to Montreal to Madrid and many points in between—I've tried to experience each unique culture as its locals do. While the "tourist vs. traveler" debate has continued for years, it all shakes down to this for me: Be willing to make yourself uncomfortable.For some folks, that may mean skipping an organized tour led by a guide holding a tall red umbrella aloft and instead jumping onto a city bus for an impromptu look around town. For others, it may involve ducking into a religious service held by a faith tradition other than their own. One of my favorite quotes is attributed to former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt: "Do something that scares you every day." Nowhere is that more true than on the road.4. There is a great difference between a tourist and a traveler because ______.
    A: a tourist is flying first class while a traveler is flying coach
    B: a tourist has an organized tour while a traveler's tour is not organized
    C: a tourist sees different places while a traveler experiences unique culture
  • C


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      Part I: Fill the blanks(注意大小写和单复数正确才得分) Ruby: I’m snowed under with work! I can’t seem to keep up with everything I have to do. You’re always so 1 and efficient. How do you do it? Lan: I’m not always organized and efficient, but I’ve gotten better since I read a book about time management. I use a few 2 tools that the book 3 , which help me to plan and to keep 4 of deadlines. Ruby: Do you think it would help me? Ian: 5 . This is what I do. I keep a to-do 6 of all of the things I need to do. Then, I decide which tasks are high-priority and which have low- priority. I write down the deadline I’m given for the task or I 7 a deadline of my own, and I make a note of the most urgent tasks. Ruby: That seems pretty simple, but how do I keep track of the progress I make on a task? Sometimes things just 8 through the cracks for me. Lan: I do a couple of things. First, I keep my list updated. I check off or cross off those that I’ve done. I also put reminders for myself on my computer to help me with scheduling. It helps me to remember my 9 and to allocate my time better. Ruby: That sounds like a great system. All I need now is some 10 time so I can start doing some time management!

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      Fred: (looking at James’ back yard) I’ve got to admire you have a beautiful backyard James. () James: Well, it does take time and patience. But I’ve also got a few secrets... Fred: OK, OK, what do I have to do to get you to reveal your secrets You know if I had the money, I’d just hire a gardener. A: Are you ready to order now B: What can I do for you today C: How do you do it D: That’s strange E: My pleasure F: what did you tell him G: each and every day at the computer H: Long time no see

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      If I've learned one thing about [1]______, it's that you've got to keep some [2]______in the glove box.

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      If the tourist asks for a better room, what should a tour guide do?

    • 4

      The WTO defines a domestic tourist as a traveler visiting a destination in his country of residence for at least (). A: 48hours B: 36hours C: 32hours D: 24hours