• 2022-06-19
    We new students must ______ ourselves to college life as soon as
    A: adjust
    B: justify
    C: just
  • A


    • 0

      May you adapt yourself ____ the college life as soon as possible.(1.0) A: to B: at C: on D: with

    • 1

      The college has a Welcome Week to help new students()college life. A: adjustment B: adjust to C: adjusted to D: adjusting to

    • 2

      monthclockmomentdayhourdottime We must get the order out as soon as possible () is money.

    • 3

      College students should try their best to _____(adaptation) themselves to the new college life in the semester.

    • 4

      We strongly suggest that Ann is told about his physical condition as soon as possible. A: strongly B: is C. told C: as soon as possible