• 2021-04-14
    Unlike a cash balanceplan, with a 401(k), all the contributions come from the employer.
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      “All happy families resemble one another... sentence come from?

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      The most effective answers all come from the people who cause the problem.

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      All people who come from the same country will have the same culture.

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      In a three-step process for converting cash flow from the indirect to direct presentation, which of the following statements is most accurate The last step in the process is to:() A: aggregate all revenues and all expenses. B: convert accrual amounts to cash flow amounts by adjusting for working capital changes. C: remove all noncash items from aggregated revenues and expenses and break out remaining items into relevant cash flow items.

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      Indeed they could all come from outside the organisation, they could be a problem from a supplier, some material that came into the organisation that is problematic.