• 2022-06-19
    D、[br][/br]a person's luck or situation in life
  • D


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      What<br/>are the 3 steps to describe a person's appearance? A: Clothing B: Overall<br/>image C: Facial<br/>features D: Distinctive<br/>features

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      A person's name change can bring good luck and help the professional achievement.

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      According to Paragraph 6, what new understandings did the author gain<br/>about women's life after he grew up? () A: He<br/>realized that women's life was quite relaxed since they didn’t<br/>have to do hard housework such as cooking, washing, cleaning and<br/>repairing. B: He<br/>realized that women's life was rather limited since they had to work<br/>mostly in the house and that many women suffered from men's bullying.

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      Which<br/>of the following is not a primary cause for Americans to own guns? A: For<br/>hunting B: For<br/>target practice C: To<br/>protect one’s life and property D: To<br/>attack terrorism

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      下列表达式中正确的是()。 A: struct person{<br/>int age; <br/>char<br/>name[8];<br/>char sex;<br/>}personl,person2; B: struct person{<br/>int <br/>age;<br/>char<br/>name[8]; <br/>char sex;<br/>} person<br/>personl,person2; C: struct person{<br/>int <br/>age;<br/>char<br/>name[8];<br/>char sex;<br/>};personl,person2; D: struct person{<br/>int <br/>age;<br/>chat<br/>name[8]="WangLin";<br/>char<br/>sex="M";<br/>} person1