• 2022-06-19
    Zijuan was the bridesmaid assisting the bride because Zijuan was the best friend of the bride.
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      In Finland, it is traditional for a bride to wear a crown. In the United States, the bride usually wears a veil.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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      The ritual of returning to the bride’s parents’ home allows the bride to stay at her parents’ home for the night.

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      以下HTML代码中,哪一个是将词语“Run<br/>Away Bride”显示为Verdana字体并且字号为5号的正确代码?() A: RunAway<br/>Bride B: RunAway<br/>Bride C: “Run Away Bride” D:

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      a. bright b. bride

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      The bride entourage is often composed of ______, ________, ______, and ______ and ______.