• 2022-06-19
    中国大学MOOC: The fact that trade policy often imposes harm on large numbers of people, and benefits only a few may be explained by _____________.
  • the problem of collective action.


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      7. The benefits of trade can be explained using the economic principles of _______ and _________ advantage.

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      thinking in black-and-white terms. A: only if they think the policy is a good one. B: only if the policy change changes the costs of their behavior. C: only if the policy change changes the benefits of their behavior. D: if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior.

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      中国大学MOOC: Applicants were few in __________(number; numbers).

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      Organizing large numbers of people

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      For large numbers of people, the absence of work often brings______. A: mental comfort B: a sense of being accomplished C: psychological<br/>problems