• 2022-06-19
    Shall we always give the standard answer"I'm fine" to the question" How are you"?
  • 内容

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      How are you today? ____ A: I'm fine, thanks. B: How do you do? C: Thank you. D: I'm twelve.

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      —How are you,Jane?—. A: How are you, Li Ming? B: I'm fine, thanks. C: And you.

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      Can you give me ______(definitely)answer to this question?

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      “I’m not ’familiar with Python, but I’ve enrolled in a course on ‘Coursera’to learn.” is the answer to the question: ________________________________________. A: Why should we hire you? B: What is your weakness? C: Why did you leave your previous job? D: How can you apply your previous experience to this job?

    • 4

      I’m never going to guess the answer if you don’t give me a _________.