• 2022-06-19
    The history of the U.S.is generally agreed to have begun in _____.
    A: A. 1620
    B: B. 1607
    C: C. 1776
    D: D.1861
  • B


    • 0

      Generally, it takes courage for an aged person (__) a new life in a strange A: beginning B: began C: to begin D: to have begun

    • 1

      The American Civil War broke out in ________. A: 1861 B: 1776 C: 1904 D: 1812

    • 2

      The Declaration of Independencewas adopted by the______ Continental Congress on July 4,____.A. First, 1774 B. First, 1776 C. Second, 1774 D. Second, 1776 A: First, 1774 B: First, 1776 C: Second, 1774 D: Second, 1776

    • 3

      The first permanent English settlement in north America was established at ____ in ____. A: Boston, 1620 B: Plymouth, 1630 C: Jamestown, 1607

    • 4

      The Eastern Orthodox branch of the Christian faith had separated from the Roman Catholic Church in ________. A: 1066 B: 1620 C: 1054 D: 1607