- 下列语句片断中,four得值为:() int three=3; char one=‘1’ char four=(char)(three+one);
- 纽约步的节拍是( ) 。 A: two and three and four one B: one two three four and one C: one two three four D: two and three four one
- 以下语句的执行结果是什么?console.log('one');setTimeout(function(){ console.log('two');},0);console.log('three');console.log('four'); A: “one” “three” “four” “two” B: “one”“two” “three” “four” C: 不确定 D: 以上都不对
- 下列程序的输出结果是( )a=1;switch a case 0&1 disp('one') case {1,2} disp('two') case 3 disp('three') otherwise disp('four')end。 A: four B: three C: two D: one
- 下列程序的输出结果是( )a=1;switch a case 01 disp('one') case {1,2} disp('two') case 3 disp('three') otherwise disp('four')end A: one B: two C: three D: four
- 0
中国大学MOOC: 下列语句片段中,a3的值为( )。int a1 = 3;char a2 = 1; char a3 = (char)(a1 + a2);
- 1
下列语句能给数组赋值而不使用for循环的是 A: myArray{[1]="One";[2]="Two";[3]="Three";} B: String s[5]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"}; C: String s[]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"}; D: String s[]=new String[]=|"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};
- 2
下列选项中,不能创建字典对象的语句是( )。 A: {'one':1, 'two':2, 'three':3} B: dict('one':1, 'two':2, 'three':3) C: {one=1, two=2, three=3} D: dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
- 3
int one = 10 ; int two = 20 ; int three = 0 ; three=one+two; System.out.println("three = one + two ==> "+three); three+=one; System.out.println("three += one ==> "+three); three-=one; System.out.println("three -= one ==> "+three); three*=one; System.out.println("three *= one ==> "+three); three/=one; System.out.println("three /= one ==> "+three); three%=one; System.out.println("three %= one ==> "+three);
- 4
Alook-outatthebowsightsanobjectonyourportside.Howmanybellstrokesshouldhesound?() A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four