• 2021-04-14
    Westerners prefer to use direct communication meaning that they say exactly what they think.
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      Ann made students think for themselves instead of telling them what to think.Ann made students think for themselves __________ them what to think.

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      When we are communicating with each other, we use various ways of body movements other than language such as gestures, postures and facial expressions, etc. That is what we call________. A: verbal communication B: nonverbal communication C: indirect communication D: direct communication

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      What does the phrase “step by step tango” (Para. 8, Line 4) indicate A: Arabians and Westerners like dancing when talking to each other. B: Tango is a popular way of communication for Arabians and Westerners. C: The use of space in communication is the same for Arabians and Westerns. D: Arabians tend to stand closer than do the Westerners when talking to others.

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      中国大学MOOC: Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer ____ to work on their own.

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      中国大学MOOC: Step back and think about the way that you communicate. Are you direct or indirect? Do you use nonverbal gestures frequently or rarely and in what 5) _________?