1. Why the speaker say “.If you took the entire population of the world, all six billion of us, and removed that empty space, then we could be squeezed into a cube smaller than a sugar cube”?
- It took()years for world population to grow from 1 billion to 3 billion. A: 100 B: 115 C: 130 D: 145
- It is expected that the world's population will reach ______ by the end of the century. A) 2 billion people C) 80 percent of all people B) 4.4 billion people D) 6.4 billion people A: It is expected that the world's population will reach ______ by the end of the century. B: 2 billion people C: 4.4 billion people D: 80 percent of all people E: 6.4 billion people
- The population of the world in 20h century became much_____ than that in the 19th. A: smaller B: larger C: greater D: more
- We generally have Laoshan green tea with cube sugar. ( )
- ____More than two billion people, or about one-fifth of the world's population, speak some form of Chinese as their first language.