• 2022-06-19
    Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made () with the use of computers.
    A: possible
    B: it possible
    C: possibly
    D: to be possible
  • A


    • 0

      He stayed in the library for a whole day to get ______. A: much information possibly B: as much information as possible C: so many information possibly D: so much information as possible

    • 1

      It is possible I may be a member in the assult but no more possible than that i may someday die. A: It is possible that I may be a member in the assult, but no possible for me to die. B: Just as i can possibly die someday, so can I be a member in the assult.

    • 2

      All possible measures have been taken to______(relief) the symptoms of the patient.

    • 3

      Unless protected areas are established, the Bengal tiger, the blue whale, and the California condor face ()of extinction. A: possible B: the possibility C: being possible D: possibly

    • 4

      His hard work made possible for them to finish this project in advance. A: it B: this C: that D: which