• 2022-06-17
    Who is the first person to study venus fly trap?( )
    A: Darwin
    B: Mendel
    C: Fabre
    D: Bailey
  • A


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      A person who involves in the scientific study of people, society and culture is called __________. A: anthropologist B: antagonist C: socialist D: feminist

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      中国大学MOOC: Who is the first person to ask for information regarding the audience?

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      ‌In China, Shen Xingong was the first person who opened the music class in school.‍

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      The first work to be carried out for trap evaluation is . A: Evaluation of trap reliability B: Evaluation of trap geological conditions C: Evaluation of trap PIIP D: Economic Evaluation of Trap Exploration

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      Who is the first person to have won gold medals in Olympics both as a player and as a coach?