• 2021-04-14
    What is the cause in the following paragraph: The arrangement of the workplace is important primarily because it significantly influence social interaction. Employee’s work locations, therefore, are likely to influence the information to which they are exposed and their inclusion and exclusion from various activities and events withing the organization.
  • employee’s work locations


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      Which of the following Chinese expressions metaphorically means that the social climber finally gains a high position and has a social influence?

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following are among the social factors that are believed to influence our language behavior in a social context.

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      What is the cause for the decline of the influence of political parties?

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      His personal influence will ________ the way that we work and develop the organization in the future.

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      If you want to analyze a series of events, which of the following organizations is the best one? A: Problem-solution organization. B: Chronological organization. C: Cause-effect organization. D: Less important to most critical.