• 2022-06-17
    Which is NOT Chinese traditional festival
    A: New Year's Day
    B: Lantern Festival
    C: Double Ninth Festival
    D: Dragon Boat Festival
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following are traditional Chinese festivals?( ) A: spring festival B: dragon boat festival C: lantern festival D: middle autumn festival

    • 1

      Which of the following festival is NOT based on the Chinese Calendar? A: Dragon Boat Festival B: Double Seventh Festival C: Labor Day D: Laba Festival

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      What is the traditional Chinese festival related to dragon? A: Dragon Boat Festival B: Spring Festival C: Mid-Autumn Festival D: Tomb-Sweeping Day

    • 3

      In 1989, the Chinese government designated ______ as “Senior Citizens’ Day”. A: the Qingming Festival B: the Double Seventh Festival C: the Double Ninth Festival D: the Lantern Festival

    • 4

      Which Festival is not the most well-known traditional festivals of the Chinese nation? ( ) A: Dragon Boat Festival B: International Workers’ Day C: Tomb-sweeping Day D: Spring Festival