• 2021-04-14
    What work experience is required of the applicant? At least two years’ experience of in a corporate environment.
  • office or receptionist


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      How many years of professional experience should the candidates have At least ______.

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      Of 30 applicants for a job, 14 had at least 4 years experience, 18 had degrees, and 3 had less than 4 years experience and did not have a degree. How many of the applicants had at least 4 years experience and a degree ?() A: 14 B: 13 C: 9 D: 7 E: 5

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      If you have three years’ work experience,you will be the right ______ for this job.

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      What are other universities more interested in? A: Teacher recommendations, their teaching skill, community services and talents.. B: An applicant’s life experience, academic skill and teacher recommendations. C: An applicant’s life experience, teacher recommendations, community services and talents. D: An applicant’s life experience, academic skill, community services and talents.

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      1. What is the position that the organization is looking to fill?_________________________________________________________________________2. What is the salary for the position?_________________________________________________________________________3. Does the job require customer service?_________________________________________________________________________4. How can the applicant find out more about the job?_________________________________________________________________________5. What type of work experience should the applicant have?_________________________________________________________________________