• 2022-06-17
    A dropped cigarette is being ________ for the fire.
    A: fired
    B: fire
    C: blamed
    D: blame
  • C


    • 0

      – What caused the fire? --- ______. A: Because of a cigarette end B: cigarette end caused C: A cigarette end D: Because a cigarette did

    • 1

      The fire has destroyed the house. The house ________________ by the fire.

    • 2

      Lu qian and jailers set fire to the field in an attempt to kill Lin Chong in the fire,and Lin died of the fire. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 3

      Suddenly ______ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on ______ fire. A: /, a B: the, / C: a, / D: /, the

    • 4

      Tom is ________ for the accident. A: to blame B: to be blamed C: to be blame D: blamed