The Red Fort is located in the center of Delhi and houses a number of museums.
- Traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.
- Traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 中国大学MOOC:"Traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.";
- What are people encouraged to do A: Leave New York to other cities. B: Go after success when they visit museums. C: Give financial help to museums. D: Go to the museums every day.
- The Red Fort(德里红堡) in India is named for its massive enclosing walls of red sandstone.
- 0
The bookstore is _______________ located in the center of town.
- 1
The Forbidden City is located in the center of Beijing.
- 2
以下样式中使用id选择器的是? A: {text-align:center;} B: [title]{text-align:center;color:red;} C: D: para1{text-align:center;color:red;} E: .cc{text-align:center;color:red;}
- 3
Southdale Center is located in the downtown of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- 4
The center of the Greek-Roman civilization is located in the _________region of southern Europe.