• 2022-06-17
    Who are the major participants of a trade fair?
  • In a trade fair, there are mainly three groups of participants: sellers/exhibitors、buyersvisitorsaudience and organizing committee.


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      Trade fair etiquette is a crucial factor leading to the success of a trade show.

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      中国大学MOOC: I am always excited to see Fair Trade options available and ( )in some unlikely places.Sometimes unknown companies talk about Fair Trade issues, find a great product that they want to sell in their stores, and thats a fair trade product.

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      The Canton Fair is the largest comprehensive trade fair in China. It has played a very important role in China’s foreign trade for more than 60 years.。( )

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      Which of followings are the trade fairs in China ( )? A: Canton Fair B: Yiwu trade fair C: International Production & Processing Expo D: Beijing international automotive exhibition

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      The _____ news is that China is holding the biggest trade fair in the world.