• 2021-04-14
    He is very proud of his _______(spot)kitchen.
  • spotless


    • 0

      He would have preferred his wife not to work, but ____ he was also proud of what she did.

    • 1

      It was the first time in his life.<br/>He became a boss.<br/>He was proud.<br/>He owned a book-store. A: He became a boss of a book-store proud the first time in his life. B: He proudly became a boss of a book-store for the first time in his life. C: For the first time of his life, he became a boss of a book-store proudly. D: He was proud became a boss of a book-store the first time in his life.

    • 2

      What does Peter mean A: He means his mother is better. B: He thinks his mother is very well. C: He thinks his mother is very ill.

    • 3

      He who is proud of his wealth has rarely _____else to be proud of. A: anything B: something C: everything D: nothing

    • 4

      virtually virtual wear shift collapse spot He refused to ___________his opinion.