• 2022-06-17
    Only recently_________ to deal with the environmental problems.
    A: something has done
    B: has something done
    C: has something been done
    D: something has been done
  • C


    • 0

      The work_______by the time you get there. A: has been done B: had been done C: will have been done D: will be done

    • 1

      Something must be done to revive China's succor, as it has been a sport that often __________ the nation. A: embarrasses B: embodies C: embraces D: empowers E: employs

    • 2

      I would much rather something done right, though. A: has B: have C: D: had

    • 3

      My suggestion is that the experiment ______ in another way. A: is done B: will be done C: has been done D: be done

    • 4

      It’s high time _____ about the traffic problem. A: anything will be done B: something was done C: nothing be done D: something is done